Make-up Meeting Locations
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Regular attendance is strongly encouraged, and members who cannot attend any given Thursday may attend a make-up meeting at any other Rotary Club, within 14 days before or after the meeting date.
Following is the weekly meeting schedule for some nearby clubs.  Be sure to check the website, or call the restaurant ahead, to ensure the meeting date, time and location.
  • Mondays or Tuesdays
Downers Grove Rotary Club
Every 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday, 12:00 p.m., DoubleTree Suites, 2111 Butterfield Rd., Downers Grove
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:00 a.m., Baked Apple Breakfast Company, 1224 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove
  • Tuesdays
Villa Park Rotary Club
12:15 p.m. at Crazy Pour, 105 E. North Ave., Villa Park
Carol Stream Rotary Club
12:15 p.m. at Holiday Inn & Suites, Alberto's Restaurant, 150 S. Gary Ave., Carol Stream
Bloomingdale-Roselle Rotary Club
First and third Tuesday, 12:15 p.m., Brunch Cafe, 1500 West Lake St., Roselle
Second and fourth Tuesday, 7:30 a.m., Brunch Cafe, 1500 West Lake St., Roselle
  • Wednesdays
Wheaton Rotary Club
12:10 p.m., Arrowhead Golf Club, 26 W 151 Butterfield Rd., Wheaton
  • Thursdays
Elmhurst Rotary Club
12:00 noon, Wilder Mansion, 211 S. Prospect Ave., Elmhurst
Glen Ellyn Rotary Club
12:10 p.m. at Barone's Restaurant, 75 Pennsylvania Ave., Glen Ellyn